If you've ever felt weighed down by the word of God, chances are you trying to carry a burden you need to put down. Psalm 19 breathes relief into any misconception of how God's Law affects us for it states:
The Law of the Lord = perfect & "soul-reviving"
Decrees of the Lord = sure & wise
Instructions from the Lord = right & "heart-rejoicing"
Commandment (Code of Law) of the Lord = clear & "eye-opening"
Fear of the Lord = pure & enduring
Ordinances of the Lord (Judgment) = true & right
There should be a spirit of lightness that accosts your senses and guides your steps, not a weight of impossibility that stops you in your tracks. In fact, Psalm 19:10 says these are, "More to be desired than gold, even much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb." What an encouragement for us that we aren't called to be mere "obeyers" but to dearly desire God's word and law as something that will give us a sweetness and fineness that enhances our life.
Psalm 19:12 reads, "Clear me from my hidden faults" ...a valuable prayer asking God to set us back to rights in those times when we are unaware of how we are getting in our own way. When you are tempted to pick up that heavy rock, try standing on it instead.
"God doesn't
want something from us,
He simply wants us."
~CS Lewis